Real series: Cyndia Mondésir

Do you have any advice for other women of colour?

I can’t stress enough how important self-care is. People are always going to try and push you around, and so, it’s extremely important to figure out your purpose and to surround yourself with good people. In our capitalist society, we’re taught that “the grind never stops”, but that’s unhealthy. You have to take time for yourself and focus on your needs in order to help others. I read this powerful tweet that comes to mind: “We all want to save the world, but it’s okay if you only save one person. And, it’s okay if that person is you.” Within the feminist movement, we need to spread more positivity and surround ourselves with people that support the work. I would tell women that the work they are doing is enough, and that they are enough, and that they’re one step forward to making a change.

What empowers you?

What a great question, I’ve never really thought of that. I think what empowers me is being a part of a movement that empowers others and promotes good values. Being in an environment where there is always an exchange of knowledge is also very empowering. I love teaching, but I love learning even more from a diverse group of people. I am grateful for the intergenerational dialogues I’ve been able to have with the older women in the feminist movement because it’s empowering to know that as a young woman my voice is just as important. 

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